
Responsible Governance in a Complex World: A System of Systems Engineering Design

Date & Time: 16:00`17:30 on Thursday, February 20th, 2014
@@@@@@@@@@(Reception desk will open at 15:30)

Venue: Collaboration Room, 2nd Floor, West Building 9
@@@(Three minutesf walk from Ookayama Station on Meguro/Oimachi Line)
@@@kMap & Directionsl
@@@(Ookayama Area, No. 27)

Participation Fee: Free of charge

Speaker: Professor Keith W. Hipel
University Professor, PhD

Department of Systems Design Engineering,
University of Waterloo
, Canada


Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation

President, Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada

*Prof. Hipel is one of the two recipients of JSPS Award for
Eminent Scientists (FY2012 Awardee).


An integrative and adaptive design for Responsible Governance is put forward
for addressing large-scale complex problems facing society based on a System of
Systems (SoS) Engineering framework that reflects the values of stakeholders
using a participatory approach and achieves desirable systems goals such as
resilience, sustainability and fairness. To demonstrate that this can actually be
accomplished in practice, Singapore is employed as a remarkable example
in which the nation was purposefully designed according to sound Systems
Engineering principles resulting in a highly respected country that brings
prosperity, fairness and fulfillment to its citizens and serves as a beacon of hope
for other countries to emulate. In contrast to Singaporefs success, a range of
tough interconnected systems problems are described for which systems solutions
are urgently needed: the failed American financial system, unfair medical systems,
unreliable aging infrastructure, self-induced climate change, preparing for extreme
weather conditions like hurricane Katrina, fair trade and the electrical system
collapse in North America. As is explained, the underlying cause for underperformance
or system collapse in these large-scale problems is a faulty value system. Accordingly,
ethical system values reflecting the values systems of stakeholders, including nature
and future generations, constitute the solid foundations upon which Responsible
Governance is constructed. Extensive research is urgently needed for developing a
comprehensive theoretical structure for System of Systems Engineering for suitably
solving current and emerging complex systems problems.

[How to Attend and Inquiries]
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send an email with your name,
affiliation, position, and email address to: profhipel.at.tokyotech@valdes.titech.ac.jp
(The seating capacity for this seminar is 60 people.)

For any inquiries regarding this seminar, please contact
Prof. Inohara and Ms. Segawa (profhipel.at.tokyotech@valdes.titech.ac.jp), IPCOB.

This seminar is supported by JSPS Award for Eminent Scientists.
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